PULLEY RIDGE, FL - 226 Classic View
Plots wave field partitions as calculated from 2D spectra.
Spectral partitioning can be used to identify the individual wave fields measured by a buoy. In CDIP's implementation, a 2D wave spectrum is estimated from the buoy data using the Maximum Entropy Method. This 2D spectrum is then partitioned, and wave parameters are calculated for the individual wave fields.
The default partitioning method, P2009, is based on Portilla et al. 2009. Other partitioning options for this product are H2001, based on Hanson and Phillips 2001, and CDIPL, CDIP's legacy partitioning, which is a basic implementation using the watershed approach.
- Partitioning is useful for buoys which are exposed to wave energy from a range of geographic areas. For highly sheltered locations, e.g. within a lake or bay, the output may not be informative.
- The circles representing wave fields are sized relative to a wave field's energy. They do not depict the spread of the wave field.
- For nearshore locations, the reported wave field directions will be highly influenced by local bathymetry.